Gun Builder 2
Gun Builder 2
Gun Builder 2
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Gun Builder 2

Gun Builder 2


Rating: 4
Gun Builder 2 lets you build your weapon and then take it to the shooting range to test it.

Gun Builder 2 is a gun simulator game where you get to build your guns from scratch and then take them to the shooting range to test them.
In this Assembling Weapons game, all the young men have an incredible chance to begin gathering different kinds of weapons, for example, guns, assault rifles, shotguns, Uzi, and others. What are the pieces of the weapon? How to dismantle or gather it from little parts? It's all basic, you simply need to rehearse a bit. The game has north of 20 levels and a lot of various pieces of the weapon. In every one of the levels, you really want to gather one unit of battle weapons. To do this, you should choose parts for this weapon from the set accessible. To begin with, you want to get the handle, then, at that point, the body and barrel. Be cautious and pick the right parts for every weapon. In the underlying levels, it will be not difficult to adapt to the errand, yet further, the intricacy of the gathering will increment. Go through level later level and test the gathered weapons by taking shots at targets. The game likewise has an imaginative mode, where every kid can make his own, novel weapon. Get innovative and play around with the game!
You can choose between hundreds of parts and build your best weapon.
  • Many gun parts to choose from
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Fun gameplay

Release Date: December 2017

Developer: Gun Builder 2 was developed by DAB3Games
